There it is... The feeling of being scared is back.
It's been a while.
I am to acknowledge the feeling, embrace it, and then move on to a peaceful place.
So I am acknowledging it.
It is not a nice feeling. I can feel it in the chest, slightly short in breath, chatterbox on full volume in my head... 'What if' seems to be the most popular beginning of the questions forming in my mind:
What if I'm wrong?
What if I won't ever feel better?
What if I am going to be feeling more and more pain again?
What if all the lumps in my body start growing bigger and bigger?
What if I'm disillusioned seeing myself healthy in near future?
What if I am still in a denial?
What if I die in few years???
I love my daughter so much. There is no way in the world (or the whole universe) I would ever want to leave her. She is most amazing.
I love myself, too. But, do I love myself enough? Do I love myself enough to get my act together and get back into the routine I know it's most important on my healing journey? The routine of daily practice that brings me 'the peace of mind'... It's all right there in front of me, ready to be done... It's just that, for some reason, I have fallen into this 'I need a break' mode.
I need a break???!!!!??? What the...?!? What kind of break? A break from contentment? A break from 'peace of mind'?
Obviously, it is hard work to sustain the contentment, that's why there are so many miserable people walking around the world.
It is a constant, sometimes more than once daily, practice. It took me at least a couple of weeks to start feeling positive effects. And it took me about two weeks without practice to start feeling negative effects.
The time is NOW!
It is now, that I am to stop, take few deep breaths and keep still for 20 minutes of peace and quite. But, will I? My mind is playing up....
Here I am, writing the post instead.
All of a sudden, as 'the feeling of scared' was acknowledged, I am starting to embrace it!
I'll keep lovingly embracing it for a while longer.
I know it's healthy to feel scared sometimes, and I know it's OK to feel sorry for myself for having such serious disease. I know everyone gets scared sometimes, especially scared of death.
I also know I do love myself enough to get back into my so needed and loved state of contentment. And I am feeling blessed and very grateful to have the knowledge and all of the tools necessary to achieve it, over and over again.
But in times when fear creeps up out of the deepest dungeon, I wish I had someone to accompany me, perhaps hold my hand, whisper in my ear quietly and lovingly, hold me tight and lead me there, where I need to go...
However I do know it is my very own personal journey, which only I alone can travel, to reach my goal of perfect health - in my mind, body and soul!
I'm with you Tina. So tough this road we travel, especially in the dark alone at night. Deep breath.